Below are the treatments that Roseti Med&Beauty can offer in this area.
Feet do not have it easy with us. At any time of the year they are exposed to irritation. In summer we treat them with overheating, abrasions and external factors. In autumn and winter, we put on socks and… forget about them. In addition, we make mistakes related to the wrong choice of footwear. Therefore, in addition to daily care, it is worth from time to time to give our feet a little relaxation and go to a podiatrist to ensure their regeneration and implement preventive measures.
Basic podiatric treatment
Duration: 1,5 h
Price: 150 zł
First of all, we recommend a care and prevention treatment, which is, so to speak, the base and basic ritual for the feet. Who in particular should sign up for it?
- People experiencing discomfort as a result of various skin lesions on the feet;
- diabetics;
- senior citizens;
- athletes;
- people who work in a standing position;
- obese individuals;
- all who wear ill-fitting, uncomfortable footwear;
- patients with a tendency to hyperkeratosis, corns, calluses;
- patients with nail fungus;
- those with cracked heels;
- those who have a recurrent problem with ingrown toenails.
Therapeutic pedicure is all about foot relief, professional care and prevention of recurrent conditions.
For patients for whom the specialist rules out contraindications to this treatment, we offer a combination of a basic podiatric treatment with toenail painting with hybrid polish. Such polishing of the feet is the icing on the cake and a guarantee of the well-being of the patient leaving the office.
Removal of an ingrown nail fragment
The most common causes of ingrown toenails include improper care (mistakes cutting) and mechanical trauma. In our office, you can receive emergency help from a podiatrist who, using special instruments, will expertly cut the ingrown, and thus irritating, part of the nail. The treatment quickly brings the patient relief and eliminates the inflammation. Subsequently, the person is referred to therapy with the use of a properly fitted bracket. Its wearing allows to restore the proper direction of nail growth. At Roseti Med&Beauty we individually select a bracket for the patient, depending on the degree of ingrowth or screwing of the nail, and then invite the patient for follow-up visits, during which we check the progress of the treatment and reposition the bracket as needed.
Therapy and control of warts
We carry help for people struggling with viral warts, popularly known as warts. HPV (human papillomavirus) infection occurs as a result of direct contact, such as at the pool (always use flip-flops!) or in a shoe store (when trying on shoes, wear disposable footwear!). How to recognize warts? They appear in the form of rough warts surrounded by a horny mass. It is not uncommon to see black dots on them, the so-called "roots" - these are nothing more than blood clots, which are the result of, for example, abrasion of the wart. We tailor the treatment of warts individually to the patient, taking into account the size and number of lesions and their characteristics. ur patients are also invited for follow-up visits to monitor the presence of the virus.
Removal of a hematoma under the nail
As a result of mechanical trauma to the nail under its plate, a mini hemorrhage may occur and damage the blood vessels located in this area. This is how a subungual hematoma is formed, which, if ignored, can lead to detachment of the nail plate from the nail bed (the so-called onycholysis), and from there it is a straight road to infection. Therefore, as soon as possible (up to 48 hours after the injury) you should go to a podiatrist for help. He will debride, or remove the hematoma, thus reducing the risk of complications.
Come to our office also if you have had a subungual hematoma for a long time, we will try to help. The specialist will thoroughly clean the plate, stimulate the bearing and offer special regenerative preparations.
Removal of corns
Who among us hasn't experienced painful corns on our feet, the result of prolonged friction or pressure? Visible to the naked eye, these cones with an upward pointing tip have a core that causes pain as it digs deep into the dermis when walking. The corns therefore need to be remedied. How? By using the services of a podiatrist (for example, at us in Myslenice), who will remove the corns using special tools. This short treatment brings immediate relief. You will also receive a dressing and guidelines for proper foot care.
Removal of calluses
Another unpleasant consequence of prolonged pressure on the foot (e.g., wearing tight shoes) or uneven or excessive stress on the foot are calluses, which are indistinct, yellow or gray thickenings on the stratum corneum. At first they do not hurt, so they are sometimes ignored by patients, but they can crack, and then they already cause discomfort and increase the risk of infections. Meanwhile, calluses are easy to deal with by regularly visiting a podiatrist's office, where a specialist will painlessly get rid of accumulated calluses. Complementing the therapy is proper foot care at home - at Roseti Med&Beauty you will learn exactly what it consists of.
Development of cracked heels, clefts
Cracked heels are an embarrassing aesthetic and health problem. Their causes include excessively dry skin, vitamin A deficiency, inadequate footwear, certain diseases such as diabetes, as well as being overweight and even genetic. This, of course, does not mean that we are doomed to cracked heels and clefts. At our podiatric office, you can get effective help to combat the problem. To restore continuity and elasticity to the skin of the heels, we first remove excess horny layers, and then recommend appropriate supplementation and systematic moisturization of the heels with cosmetics individually tailored to the needs of the patient. Note: Do not use pumice stones, scrapers and exfoliating preparations for heels - they have the opposite effect than intended, causing additional skin irritation.