The offices of the Myślenice clinic Roseti Med&Beauty offer a package of physiotherapy treatments. What are their benefits and to whom are they recommended?
“Movement is health!” – such a slogan we have certainly all heard many times. However, the realization of the importance of properly functioning organs of motion and how much proper stimulation of the human body can do – this usually reaches us at the moment when we need a physiotherapist, that is, a specialist who is able to put us back on our feet – sometimes literally.
Physiotherapy - a natural branch of medicine
To begin with, it is worth considering what physiotherapy actually is. It is a rather vast field, and its most important role is to work on a person’s motor capabilities. Thus, physiotherapy deals not only with the restoration of full physical fitness of the musculoskeletal organs, but also with the preservation and improvement of their function. Within the framework of physiotherapy activities, we can distinguish three key spheres:
- physical therapy– within it, the therapist influences the regeneration of tissues with external stimuli, such as ultrasound, electric current, light, high or low temperatures, etc.;
- kinesitherapy-here the indispensable and therapeutic value of the patient’s movement: appropriate exercises help to increase muscular endurance, increase the range of motion, but also have a positive effect on any postural defects and local injuries;
- manual therapy – this includes meetings with a physiotherapist who, knowing the characteristics of the action of individual parts of the body, is able, through massage or hand pressure, to direct the musculoskeletal system, soft tissues or joints towards regeneration and healing.
Physiotherapist in Myslenice
Are you looking for an experienced and qualified specialist in physiotherapy? At Roseti Med&Beauty clinic you put yourself in the hands of a team of outstanding experts. Our physiotherapist Karolina is a person who continues to improve her qualifications at various trainings. She will be happy to help you identify the problem and restore muscle and joint function.

Jak wygląda praca
z fizjoterapeutą?
W naszym gabinecie z każdym pacjentem przeprowadza się dokładny wywiad. Dzięki temu można określić, jakie są objawy schorzenia i jakie pacjent ma potrzeby terapeutyczne. Fizjoterapeuta w myślenickiej Roseti Med&Beauty z uwagą analizuje stan zdrowia pacjenta i proponuje konkretny, indywidualny plan terapii.
W ofercie zabiegów fizjoterapeutycznych kliniki Roseti Med&Beauty znajdziesz:
- Kompleksową terapię mięśniowo-powięziową. Ta nowoczesna metoda będzie pomocna przy wszelkiego rodzaju przeciążeniach, zwalczaniu bólu mięśni i stawów oraz ogólnej mobilizacji układu ruchowego do sprawnego funkcjonowania. Terapia powięziowa jest niezwykle skuteczna i redukuje napięcia w całym ciele człowieka. Intrygujące jest to, że na co dzień nawet nie zdajemy sobie sprawy z tego, że uszkodzona powięź (tkanka łączna) na jednym odcinku, może dawać o sobie znać w zupełnie odległym miejscu. Całościowe spojrzenie na organizm pacjenta pozwala wyeliminować tego typu przypadki.
- Masaże:
- klasyczny– występuje w dwóch wersjach: częściowej i całościowej – w zależności od potrzeby osoby masowanej czy zalecenia fizjoterapeuty. Masaż klasyczny regeneruje i przywraca sprawność po urazach, problemach mięśniowo-stawowych oraz przy bólach kręgosłupa.
- relaksacyjnyz wykorzystaniem olejków – wycisza i łagodzi stres, choć jeśli terapeuta natknie się na napięcia mięśniowe, to chętnie je usunie mocniejszym dociśnięciem!
Naszym celem jest zapewnienie Ci powrotu do pełnej sprawności i pozbycie się dolegliwości bólowych na dobre! Chętnie też pomożemy Ci ukoić zestresowane ciało zabiegami relaksującymi. Wykwalifikowany personel Roseti Med&Beauty i nasza wiedza medyczna są do Twojej dyspozycji!
Who needs physiotherapy treatments?
Physiotherapy is a field that collaborates quite a bit with other specialties: patients receive recommendations to see a physiotherapist from orthopedists or rheumatologists. Increasingly, however, patients come directly to a physiotherapist's office: for a consultation, assessment of the situation and implementation of possible therapy.
Experience shows that the services of a physiotherapist are used by:
- people engaged in injury-prone sports (including skiing and snowboarding, equestrianism, running, basketball, soccer);
- post-operative patients;
- people who want to develop new, healthy habits related to posture and musculoskeletal correction;
- people with various injuries or limitations in the functioning of specific body parts.
Although part of the meetings with a physiotherapist is work on prevention and strengthening the functioning of the human body, there are still many patients who come to therapy with a specific purpose, with a specific cause, which often manifests itself in pain.
So what conditions do we come to a physiotherapist with?
Physiotherapy is a field that can be confidently applied to a variety of other medical areas. Among the most common reasons for visits to physiotherapy offices are:
- bone fractures;
- damage or degeneration of joints;
- inflammation of various musculoskeletal organs resulting from trauma, but also non-traumatic;
- pain in the spine in its various sections;
- diseases of the nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis;
- spinal injuries, including spinal cord injury;
- tension headache;
- surgeries: past as well as planned - in the case of the latter, physiotherapy and preparation of the body may be important even before surgery.
Is a physiotherapist a rehabilitator?
The terms physiotherapy and rehabilitation often function as synonyms. However, there is an inaccuracy here, since rehabilitation is much more capacious in meaning. Physiotherapy deals primarily with issues of physical health, while rehabilitation - especially that taken as a result of serious injury or disability - carries with it the enhancement of the patient's social and psychological well-being in addition to the physical layer.
In addition to this, physiotherapy is a strictly medical field, so to work as a physiotherapist you need the appropriate qualifications, including completion of a full degree in physiotherapy.