Injection lipolysis
This is a local injection of a preparation that allows the dissolution of fatty tissue.
It is classified as a non-invasive treatment, as it does not require anesthesia or complicated surgical cuts.
The treatment is carried out under local anesthesia and involves injecting a solution of phosphatidylcholine into those parts of the body from which the patient wants to get rid of unwanted fat.
The effect is not immediate, but the treatment itself is much less risky than liposuction and does not require a long stay in the hospital after surgery. Sometimes injection lipolysis is a part of the liposuction treatment – it helps prevent bumps from forming on the skin after the fat has been suctioned out.
Course and duration of the treatment
The treatment lasts up to 50 minutes at most, usually longer for body parts like the abdomen or thighs, and shorter under the eyes or on the chin (about half an hour). The patient is given a local anesthetic, and the doctor injects a combination of phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate (bile salt) solution into the chosen part. These substances exhibit the ability to destroy fat cells, i.e. lipodestruct. Unnecessary fat cells are transported to the liver and then removed from the body. The only downside the patient faces after the injection lipolysis treatment is swelling and redness at the needle insertion sites. To minimize discomfort after the treatment, lymphatic massage is used to speed up the excretion of unwanted fat from the body.
- best results in people with a small amount of excess body fat,
- will not work well in patients who want to get rid of a large amount of fat quickly, but is a good solution for slim people who experience dilemmas due to a small amount of body fat.
Lipolysis is best for reducing fat from the area:
- abdomen,
- buttocks,hips,
- in the area of the so-called second chin,arms,
- certain parts of the back, such as the neck.
After the treatment, in addition to losing a few centimeters in circumference at the injection site, we can be sure of better skin cell metabolism, improved microcirculation and significant skin nutrition.
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding,
- blood clotting disorders,
- epilepsy,
- diabetes,
- liver and kidney diseases,
- active skin infections at the injection site,
- allergy to the ingredients of the preparation ( mainly to soy and shellfish),
- extensive obesity.