Agnieszka Janik
licensed nurse
She has been working as a nurse since September 1993. She graduated from the Lyceum of Medicine in Myślenice and then from the Faculty of Nursing at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow.
On a daily basis, she is affiliated with the University Children’s Hospital in Cracow.
For more than 16 years she worked in the Department of Pediatric Orthopedics and Traumatology, and after a break due to a three-year work abroad, she returned to work at this hospital , where she works in the departments of Neurosurgery and Reconstructive Surgery and Burns. In the near future, he plans to continue his studies for a third degree.
In our clinic, she assists in aesthetic medicine and plastic surgery treatments.
She very much enjoys working with patients, for another human being. She treats her duties with a strong sense of responsibility and diligence, providing care of the highest standard. By nature, she is a sensitive optimist who starts each day with enthusiasm and a great sense of humor.